Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to make an update to the ContactEditor ANE as when calling getContactDetails is doesn't return all the fields available; in particular homepage and organisation.
I can't for the life of me work out where I'm going wrong, but when testing the new ANE the App just crashes and quits. No errorrs or anything.
I've tested that it's not a compiling issue by just recompile the source without editing it. All works fine.
The only file that I am editing is ContactEditor.m - https://github.com/memeller/ContactEditor/blob/master/ContactEditorXCo de/ContactEditor.m
The function can be found from line 307 onwards. I'm added the following at line 373 :
CFStringRef personHomepage = ABRecordCopyValue(person, kABPersonHomePageLabel);
NSString *personHomepageString = [NSStringstringWithString__bridgeNSString *)personHomepage];
DLog(@"Adding homepage: %@",personHomepageString);
FRENewObjectFromUTF8(strlen([personHomepageString UTF8String])+1, (constuint8_t*)[personHomepageString UTF8String], &retStr);
FRESetObjectProperty(contact, (constuint8_t*)"homepage", retStr, NULL);
//[personSurNameString release];
FRESetObjectProperty(contact, (constuint8_t*)"homepage", retStr, NULL);
I'm really new at editing/creating ANEs so please be patient. ( I watched some tutorials this morning on it )
I'm guessing it is something to do with compiling the xcode project with the new source or something... well tbh I've no idea that's just a guess
Please can someone help?
Many thanks