Hi there,
we have a pure as project in which we updatet the air version to 3.9.
The app uses starling and the admob extension - > http://www.adobe.com/devnet/air/articles/admob-ane-android.html
If an admob interstitial is shown the app crashes and starts again.
With AIR 3.8 there is no problem with this.
Perhaps it has also something to do with this bug:
The debugger shows nothing, the app only shows a black screen after closing the interstitial ad and restarts.
We also have interstitial ads in a project that is not pure as and we use AIR 3.9 in this app. No problem here.
We don't use starling in this non pure as project so perhaps the issue has something to do with starling. The strange thing is that it worked nicely with AIR 3.8.
Some ideas?