Hi Guys,
I really need you help.
I am building an iOS app with adobe air 3.8. And testing it on Iphone 5, iOS 7
Im playing a mp4 with stageVideo and everything works fine apart from the fact the every second/third time or so that I open the app and plat the video the app crashes without any warning!
Please.....Can any one help ?
Here is the simple code that I use:
Thanx in advance
import flash.net.NetStream;
import flash.net.NetConnection;
var netStream:NetStream;
var netConnection:NetConnection;
var video:Video;
netConnection = new NetConnection();
netStream = new NetStream(netConnection);
netStream.client = new Object();
video = new Video(320,240);
video.attachNetStream(netStream); // might be overridden later
// Set up normal display list properties
video.x = 100;
video.y = 100;
video.width = 320;
video.height = 240;
netStream.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, asyncErrorHandler);
// Try to render as stage video
var v:Vector.<StageVideo> = stage.stageVideos;
if ( v.length >= 1 ) {
var stageVideo:StageVideo = v[0];
stageVideo.viewPort =
new Rectangle(100,100,320,240);
function renderStateEventHandler(event:StageVideoEvent):void
// If video is not rendered properly let the
// video object in the display list try to render it.
if ( event.status == StageVideoEvent.RENDER_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE ) {
function asyncErrorHandler(event:AsyncErrorEvent):void {