Yesterday Adobe sadly updated the Flash Runtimes Roadmap whitepaper.
Basically they said that AIR for Windows 8 “Modern UI” has been cancelled (AIR for Windows 8 "phone" never thought it).
"... Adobe AIR is available and supported for Windows 8 Desktop on x86-based computers. Adobe currently has no plans to support Adobe AIR for Windows 8 Modern UI applications..."
I thought Adobe AIR was the best technology for multi-platform mobile development: iOS, Android, BB10 and Windows 8 Metro ... but if Windows 8 "Metro" and Windows 8 "phone" will not be available ... I would have to try other technologies like:
Very bad day for AIR developers.
I know that Windows 8 "modern" and Windows 8 "phone" still have little market like BB10. Today is the time to port Adobe AIR to Windows 8, not in one or two years because it will be late... And all other multi-platform mobile technologies has already include Windows 8 "modern" and "phone" in their roadmap ...
Adobe please reconsider it!