I cannot get the iOS Simulator app to launch as anything other than iPhone 5 when using AIR adt. I've tried changing the AIR_IOS_SIMULATOR_DEVICE environment variable to different values, but the Simulator always launches my app simulating an iPhone 5.
I've tried the following:
launchctl setenv AIR_IOS_SIMULATOR_DEVICE "iPad Retina"
launchctl setenv AIR_IOS_SIMULATOR_DEVICE "iPhone 6"
I confirmed that the setting is changed by testing:
Do I need to restart something or flush something?
I'm using AIR, Xcode 6.0.1, OS X 10.9.5. Project is a pure ActionScript project making heavy use of Stage3D/Starling, and I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 14 EAP IU-138.2210.3 (ouch that name hurts) as my development environment.