I was using Flex 4.13 SDK and AIR 14 SDK. When I build a release version of my iOS app for the iTunes App Store, I received the following error.
ERROR ITMS-9000: "Invalid Segment Alignment. This app does not have proper segment alignment and should be rebuild with the latest version of Xcode. Please contact Developer Technical Support if you need further assistance."
To resolve this problem I had to install the Apache Flex SDK with Flex SDK 4.13 and AIR SDK 15.0.302. I installed the FlexSDK and AIR SDK with the Apache Flex installation binary.
For many of you, this should be enough to rebuild and run your application. However, after I built an ad-hoc version of my iOS app, and transferred it to my iPhone 4 (iOS 8.0.2) and iPad 2 (iOS 8.1), the app crashed immediately after launch.
If I rebuilt my App in debug mode (-debug-interpreter), it ran correctly.
However, I found a reference on an Adobe message board to a command line parameter, useLegacyAOT, which indicated that the poster had some success with this command line option after his app crashed.
I added the option, -useLegacyAOT yes to the build environment.
This option tells the compiler to disable fast packaging. However, the new linker in AIR 15.0.302 still aligns segments correctly.
Don't do this unless you have to. But this seemed to work for me, and I was able to submit my iOS App to the iTunes App Store.