I indent to port a existing Android native app to Adobe AIR for android. Reasons: To use my existing AS3 skills, "cost" for native is too high and soon port it to iOS.
Difficulties I face here:
- Existing app package, say "com.mygame.myapp" has to be retained. By using FB with AIR SDK, we get a "air." prefix to the package name. It becomes "air.com.mygame.myapp".
Will this solution still solve the problem in AIR SDK removing "air." prefix from package name has any working solution!?.
The help link http://helpx.adobe.com/air/kb/opt-out-air-application-analytics.html is dead now. iOS specific is found here Opt-out | Adobe AIR app analytics | iOS
Please suggest me a Mac suitable solution. - In Android, using a ".keystore" file, we need to export as the ".APK" file. In AIR, if we publish using a new ".p12" signature file would it be compatible with Google Play, and it rules.
App's existing users should find difficulty in upgrading the app.
Another unanswered thread
Thanks a lot.