I have a strange issue, and could't fine the answer yet on any forum.
AIR version:
The command line ADT package for iOS fails when I'm adding both "-hideAneLibSymbols yes" and "-useLegacyAOT no" and if it also contains such .ane native extensions, which have been updated to support iOS arm64. If I remove the "-hideAneLibSymbols yes" part from the command line, it works fine, but I need to use that as well, since I'm using multiple native extensions, and otherwise I'm getting the duplicate symbol error. So, it seems to me, that if hideAneLibSymbols is also there, then the useLegacyAOT is not taken into consideration.
This is how I tried to package it:
adt -package -target ipa-test -hideAneLibSymbols yes -useLegacyAOT no -keystore ../certificates/asd.p12 -storetype pkcs12 -storepass asdasd -provisioning-profile ../certificates/asd.mobileprovision asd.ipa asd-app.xml asd.swf assets icons -extdir anes
How could I solve this issue? I used to compiled the .ipa files using Flash Pro CC 2014, but now I can not, since I can't add in there the hideAneLibSymbols yes.
Thank you,