I simply cannot get this to work. I see a lot of people offering advice on the web for how to implement it, I've been trying all day and it doesn't work with Adobe AIR 2.5 for Android Flash CS5 plug-in.
Instead of linking to an external website:
I want to use StageWebView (because of the nice scroll capability) to load a local html file. I have tried EVERYTHING, and it doesn't work.
I have included the file in the APK (tried as a subdirectory and eventually, to simplify testing, I just included it in the same directory so no complex path).
I have tried what others had recommended:
I have tried using the filesystem and resolving the path:
import flash.filesystem.File;
var file:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("test.html") ;
webView.loadURL(file.nativePath) ;
I have tried numerous change-ups on the filesystem approach, including:
var file:File = new File("app:/test.html");
NONE OF THESE THINGS WORK. Can anyone help me? I'd like to have scrollable content, included inside the Android app - like a license html file or others.
If none of this will work, any suggestions on creating simple, scrollable content that looks nice (scroll pane, scroll list, anything?)