Hello ~
I'm developping a photo app for iphone/ipad.
I used basic technic from adobe documentation for that, no problem (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/media/CameraUI.ht ml), I'm getting my bitmapData and then do what i want.
But problem is, ANY picture loaded from the CameraRoll is in portrait mode (for pictures taken with the camera)
So from that point i was thinking to check the exif data from the file. So i tried this http://blog.flexnroses.com/?p=95
But since in iOS we cannot acces the file path from mediaPromise, this script doesnt work.
I've been searching for a while about that, but no succes.
Does someone have any idea on iOS how to get the orientation of a picture taken with the camera ?
(Because yes, other pictures there is no problem, just comparing height and width gives you easily the orientation)