Sigh... So we are all aware of the AIR 20/21 issue that requires you to package your application for iOS on a Mac because of the Windows bug.
We'll, I've just confirmed with Michael Archbold from Distriqt (ANE guys), we both have a problem compiling for iOS using the latest AIR 21 with ANEs.
You'll be left with a message similar to the following....
Error occurred while packaging the application:
/Users/pathtoyourapp/bin-release-debug/AOT/yourapp.ipa (No such file or directory)
So just to confirm... currently people who have ANE's requiring AIR 20:
Windows AIR 20 packaging for iOS = Error
Windows AIR 21 packaging for iOS = Error
Mac AIR 20 for iOS = OK
Mac AIR 21 for iOS = Error.
1 outta 4 is sad, but better than nothing i guess....
come on adobe