Hi. I have two apps: a server and a client.
Server sends to client different types of data inside an Object:
var data:Object = {
bdata1 : bitmapdata_A,
bdata2 : bitmapdata_B,
bdata3 : bitmapdata_C,
clientsocket.writeUTF( 'Hello I'm sending some bitmaps!');
... client receives it:
socket.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.SOCKET_DATA, socketData);
private function socketData(e:ProgressEvent):void {
var data:Object = server.readObject();
Problem: When the object "data" is a simple object (strings, number, boolean), the process is successfully,
but when I try to send bitmapdata, the program broke, because client try to read an object that is not completed transferred.
There is a way to know the size of the incoming data, and handle it when the transfer is finished? Thanks.
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