I'm using FlashBuilder 4.7 and the release of AIR 4 on Windows 7 to package for iOS...As soon as I include 3 or more ANEs I can no longer compile to iOS (and also use the new "useLegacyAOT no" command). When I try I get an error "The input line is too long. Compilation failed while executing : compile-abc"
I found a couple other similar issues. One post suggested instead of pointing to individual ANEs (in Package Contents) to point to a folder instead--but this doesn't fix the
Another post for a slightly different problem said it was fixed in the release of AIR 4.
Any ideas? I wonder if I move my AIR SDK to a simple path (like "c:\air\adt.jar" instead of "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)\eclipse\plugins\com.adobe.flash.compiler_4.7.0.349722\AIRSDK\lib \adt.jar") if it'd help.
Thanks in advance!