Hello all,
I am facing a strange problem when developing ANE for InMobi and Millennial media for Android
the problem is that both the SDK need to be initialised with Activity and Context respectively, But when i initialise them the processess get hanged.
what i have done.
public FREObject call(FREContext context, FREObject[] argv) {
Log.d("Android Inmobi", "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~inobi will start");
InMobi.initialize(context.getActivity(), "MY_PROPERTY_ID");
Log.d("Android Inmobi", "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~inobi will complete");
return null;
public FREObject call(FREContext frecontext, FREObject[] args) {
Context context = frecontext.getActivity().getApplicationContext();
Log.d(TAG, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Initi alize starting: 1");
Log.d(TAG, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Initi alize starting: 2");
return null;
in both the cases only the first debug get printed not the second one. The execution never get passed the initialize block no matter where i define it.
Thank you all.