I am using Adobe air 3.9 Beta. It seems that iOS7 give you the the possibility to style the Statusbar. But if you open an adobe air application the statusbar overlays the stage by default. It creates problems with my tabs.
I tested the app with an iPod and IPhone, both with iOs7 Both have the Issues. If I compile the app with Adobe air 3.8 the Statusbar will be displayed correct.
But I can't use air 3.8 because I need the new Icons 120x120 76x76 etc.
Other people have the same issue. See screenshots https://github.com/mutualmobile/MMDrawerController/issues/51
I think the solution is in the info.plist. There is an option for the info.plist UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance. We need this paramter to activate or deactivate the Statusbar overlay.
any Ideas?