ok Its been a good 6 months since I did any app work and now I need to update some apps but I'm struggling to get a p12 certificate after having to sign the new agreement on the IOS dev center.
Here are the steps I have done, please help:
1. Went to the ceertificates, identifiers & profiles section of the ios dev centre and revoked any certificates in there
2. open keychain access
3.Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority
4. Filled in the details and created a .certSigningRequest file
5. Went to the ceertificates, identifiers & profiles section of the ios dev centre.
6.Added a new ceertificate for production and uploaded my .certSigningRequest file
7. This created an ios_distribution.cer file
8. Double clicked this to add it to Keychain access
It appears under certficiates but not under "my Certificates"
when I choose to export the p12 option is greyed out. What have I done wrong?