I am facing one issue from a very long time regarding file access in Android Kitkat version 4.4.*. I have developed Adobe Air player application for android and it is working as expected below kitkat version but not on kitkat.
I am following this methods -
- NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(InvokeEvent.INVOKE, onInvoke);
public function onInvoke(event:InvokeEvent):void
var newFile:String = String(event.arguments[0]);
trace("Received new file from Android: "+newFile)
Received URL form device in Android Kitkat -
/storage/emulated/0/.iProfData/swf/playListFiles/ContentCreation/Ma_V2_522/en/Animation/27 031_1_Welcome screen.swf
file:////storage/emulated/0/.iProfData/swf/playListFiles/ContentCreation/Ma_V2_522/en/Anim ation/27031_1_Welcome screen.swf
- Loading this URL using loader class in AS3 AIR but not working.
file%3A///storage/emulated/0/.iProfData/swf/playListFiles/ContentCreation/Ma_V2_522/en/Ani mation/27031_1_Welcome%20screen.swf
- Have used also by doing escape character but still it is not working showing file not found both SWF and mp4 case. (Mp4 case NetStream.Play.FileNotFound)
By using the above methods I can have swf or mp4 video url but when I am loading it, It is not working giving error message "File not found/ IO Error". I have read that if use escape character then it will work but I have used escape character also but it is not working.
Humble request you to please advise how can I solve this issue.
Best regards,
Sunil Kumar